7 First Aid Vertigo You Can Do
ASSISTENT DOCTOR - 7 First Aid Vertigo You Can Do
Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness and spinning that someone can experience without beginning with any movement. Vertigo is not a disease, but is a collection of symptoms or syndromes that occur due to impaired balance in the vestibular system or disorders of the central nervous system. Then, first aid vertigo what can you do? See the full explanation here in 7 First Aid Vertigo You Can Do
First Aid Vertigo
Before explaining how to overcome vertigo, you should know that some types of vertigo occur only once and some other types will continue to repeat until the underlying conditions are found. One of the most common types of vertigo is called benign paroxysmal position (BPPV).
In addition, vestibular neuritis, stroke, head or neck injury, and Meniere's disease is a condition that can cause vertigo. If you are experiencing vertigo at home, there are some first-aid vertigo that can be done, among others:
1. Relieve The Symptoms
The first aid of vertigo that can be done is to lie quietly in a dark and quiet room to help relieve the symptoms especially if accompanied by feelings of nausea. Avoid sudden change in position, consume plenty of water if it feels thirsty, and avoid a very bright light.
2. Managing Stress
Avoid stressful situations like known anxiety can exacerbate vertigo attacks.
3. Adjusting The Body Position
Avoid bending or sublished neck. If you want to sleep, get off with a slightly lifted head, either by adding one or two pillows.
4. Relaxing The Body
Vertigo can happen when you wake up in the morning. The first aid of vertigo that can be done is to sit down and relax first before standing completely.
5. Epley Maneuver
Epley maneuver is a wrong strategy that can be done for first aid vertigo. This way is very effective for people with BPPV. Here are the steps to do Epley maneuver if Vertigo appears on the right:
Start by sitting in bed.
- Turn the head 45 degrees to the right.
- Lie down quickly and keep the head in position. Place the pillow on the shoulder with the head still leaning. Hold for 30 seconds.
- Turn your head 90 degrees to the left, without ascending it. Your head will now look 45 degrees to the left. Wait 30 seconds again.
- Then rotate the body 90 degrees to the left. Hold 30 seconds again. After that, try to sit at the left facing.
6. Semont-Toupet Maneuver
Semont-Toupet Maneuver is the first aid of vertigo that can be done at home. This movement is almost the same as Epley maneuver, but it requires fewer neck flexibility. Here are the steps that can be done if the source of vertigo comes from the left:
- Sit at the edge of the bed. Turn your head 45 degrees to the right.
- Lying fast on the left side. Hold for 30 seconds.
- Do not change the direction of the head. Keep the angle of 45 degrees and lie down for 30 seconds while looking down.
- Return to sit slowly and wait a few minutes.
- Invert this movement if vertigo occurs on the right.
- Perform this gesture three times a day or until vertigo disappears.
7. Brandt-Daroff Exercise
This exercise is most often recommended as first aid in home vertigo because it is easy to do. However, you shouldn't do this way unless you're in a safe place and don't drive for a while, as this could trigger an increased sense of dizziness for a short period of time. Here are the steps:
- Start with the upright sitting position in bed.
- Tilt your head about 45 degrees from the side that causes vertigo. Move to the lying position on one side with the nose pointing upwards.
- Stay in this position for about 30 seconds or until the vertigo subsides. Then move back to the sitting position.
Repeat this for the other side. To get maximum results, you must perform this gesture three to five times in a single session. In one day you have to do three sessions and be done for 2 weeks or until the vertigo disappears.
Well, that's The Various Steps of First Aid Vertigo That You Can Do
How to Overcome Other Vertigo
After you know the various steps of first aid vertigo as above, there is a way to relieve other vertigo that you should also know, including:
1. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is a plant herb that is believed to be able to regulate blood flow to the brain, thus able to relieve dizziness. A research reveal, ginkgo biloba is equally effective with the drug betahistine in managing vertigo.
2. Ginger Tea
The research published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science found that ginger can reduce the effect of vertigo better than manual repositioning such as Epley maneuver. Boil the ginger for 5 minutes, to reduce the bitter taste you can add honey. Drinking ginger tea twice a day can help dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms of vertigo.
3. Almond Nuts
Almonds are foods rich in vitamins A, B, and E. Eating a handful of almonds every day can help overcome the symptoms of vertigo. Although the explanation of how almond can overcome vertigo is not known with certainty, there is a possibility of vitamin content in it that fights the cause of vertigo.
4. Staying Hydrated
Dehydration can cause symptoms of vertigo. Even mild dehydration can trigger this condition. How to prevent vertigo is to remain hydrated, therefore, fulfill the body water intake of about 8-12 glasses per day.
5. Essential Oils
Essential oils are a natural and affordable choice for managing symptoms of vertigo, including nausea, headache, and dizziness. Several options are available for managing vertigo including peppermint essential oil, ginger, lavender, and lemon.
The essential oil is inhalation of infusers or diluted in carrier oils (e.g. olive oil or coconut oil) before being applied.
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6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Apple cider vinegar and honey are believed to have curative properties to relieve blood flow to the brain. These two natural ingredients are believed to be used as a way to prevent vertigo.
7. Acupressure
Acupressure applies the same concept to acupuncture, but without needles. The goal of acupressure is to improve health and relaxation. This can help manage vertigo by stimulating pressure points throughout the body.
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