10 Types Of Male and Female Genital Diseases (No. 9 Most Dangerous)
Genital disease is a type of disease caused by the spread of
bacteria through sexual intercourse or syringe that has been contaminated by
the disease. If you hear a genital disease, things will arise in our minds. It
is not a common secret if most genital diseases are very dangerous and
difficult to cure. Read more about the following kinds of genital diseases.
Various Kinds Of Genital Diseases
Male and female genital diseases tend to be transmitted
through unrestraint free sex and unhealthy living patterns such as lazy
self-care. The following are the various types of genital diseases of men and
women most commonly suffered:
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1. Gonorrhea
This type of genital disease is caused by Neisseria
gonorrhea bacteria, usually known as urine. The infection begins a few days to
several weeks after an intimate relationship with the person infected with this
genital disease. A typical symptom of this disease is the discharge of white or
greenish yellow liquids such as pus at the end of the penis and vagina.
When urination can be painful, the symptoms of the venereal
disease may sometimes be felt. While symptoms of gonorrhea in women are usually
very mild or do not feel at all, but if untreated genital disease can be severe
and cause infertility.
2. Chlamydia
Is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the trachomatic
Chlamydia bacteria. This disease is usually about women and young men who are
sexually active.
Symptoms that can be experienced in the form of pain or
burning sensation during urination, pain during sexual intercourse, discharge
of white fluid from the genitals and difficult to conceive. However, often
affected sufferers do not experience specific symptoms so that treatment
usually does not start early.
3. Herpes Genitalis
This genital disease is caused by Herpes Simplex Viruses
(HSV), symptoms of genital Herpes arise between 3 to 10 days after having sex
with a sufferer of the genital disease.
The incidence of fluid-filled blisters accompanied by a
reddish rash on the genital area. Patients usually experience pain, sore,
feeling burned, accompanied by the scarred lymph nodes in the groin, in 5 to 10
days the symptoms will disappear.
Herpes survives in the body and can arise again sometime.
Women are often unaware that she suffers from herpes because blisters occur
inside the vagina.
4. Genital Yeast Infection
The cause of most common fungal infections of the genitals
is fungal species of Candida albicans or also called candidiasis, which causes
the itching and red color under the skin of the male calamine that is not
circumcised. In women, it will come out a viscous white fluid like a cheese
that causes itching. This yeast infection can be cured with topical antifungal
medication (oles) or oral (drinking).
5. Syphilis
The disease is caused by bacteria Treponema pallidum.
Syphilis genital disease occurs between 3 weeks to 3 months after having sex
with the sufferer of the genital disease.
Syphilis disease has 4 stages:
At the primary (first) stage. Clinical symptoms of ulcer
lesions such as canker sores with harsh inpain in the genital area. These
lesions usually heal by themselves without treatment, but the bacteria are
actually not lost, but the disease will continue to the second stage.
In the second stage. Reddish patches occur throughout the
body, usually not accompanied by itching and presence of brown patches on both
palms. These lesions will also heal themselves but when left untreated, the
disease will continue, getting worse and going into more severe stages.
The latent stage of syphilis is when there are no signs or
symptoms of syphilis that seem. If not treated immediately, patients with
syphilis can continue to have syphilis in the body for years without signs or
Tertiary stage. Usually untreated syphilis sufferers do not
undergo tertiary syphilis. However, when it happens, it can affect many
different organ systems. These include the heart and blood vessels, and the
brain & nervous system. Tertiary syphilis is very serious and will occur
10-30 years after the infection begins. In tertiary syphilis, the disease
damages the internal organs and can lead to death.
6. Genital Warts
Warts caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV), appear in the
form of one or many bwarts or lumps between a month to a year after having
intercourse with the genital disease sufferer.
In general it can not be seen in women because it is located
inside the vagina, or in men because it is too small.
The symptoms are lumps that appear like cauliflower or
chicken cockerers on the penis or anus. This genital warts can be tested with a
layer of vinegar. This type of genital disease can be serious in women because
it can cause cervical cancer. The good news, warts on gender is curable, women
have to run a Pap smear every time they switch intimate couples.
7. Genital Lice
This is due to the pubis of Pedikulosis. The size of the
genital lice is very small (smaller or equal to 1/8 inch), gray-tanned, settled
on the pubic hair. This condition can be cured by liquid medications that are
rubed on the genital hair.
8. Mites
Similar to genital lice, but smaller in size and settled
under the skin. The genital disease is due to the sarcoptes scabies mite, which
causes minor injuries and itching throughout the body.
Usually doctors will give a cream or lotion containing
Permethrin or Sulfur which should be used once a week.
Meanwhile, clothes, bedspreads and towels should be washed
after treatment, because the lice can settle on the cloth.
Genital diseases due to the most serious intercourse, cause
no work of the immune system.
This is the most dangerous sexually transmitted disease
because it causes damage to the body's immunity, so the body is susceptible to
all kinds of diseases. There are no noticeable symptoms without blood research.
This disease can lead to death after ten years of infected HIV virus.
HIV/IDS transmitted through intercourse and the use of
syringes simultaneously.
10. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually-reviewed disease (PMS)
that can affect both males and females. However, women are more likely to
experience symptoms. This infection is caused by a single-cell protozoa
parasitic, Trichomonas vaginalis.
For women, the vagina is the most common place of infection,
while in men it occurs on the urethra. Transmission may occur either through
sexual intercourse or contact vulva-to-vulva.
While women can be infected from male or female sexual
partners, men are almost always infected from having sex with women.
The symptoms of trichomoniasis include:
- Greenish Yellow White
- Pain or discomfort during intercourse
- Painful urination
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