7 Ways To Detect Lung Cancer - ASSISTENT DOCTOR

7 Ways To Detect Lung Cancer

ASSISTENT DOCTOR - 7 Ways To Detect Lung Cancer

    How to detect lung cancer can be done by  various methods, ranging from physical examination to imaging. Detecting lung cancer quickly  can determine the right treatment options and speed up treatment. The symptoms of lung cancer include  coughing that does not heal, coughing up blood, shortness of breath,  chest pain,  hoarseness, and  weight loss.

    Lung cancer  is one of  the  deadliest diseases in the world.  Based on data from the Department of  Pulmonology and  Respiratory Medicine  , Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI), in  2015, of the  668 cases of  thoracic cavity malignancy recorded, about 75% were  cases of  paru cancer

How to Detect Lung Cancer

    The most common cause  of lung cancer is  smoking, and  this applies to both  active and passive smokers.  In addition, lung cancer is a disease that  is often only detected when it is late stage,  this causes a   high death rate  of lung cancer cases. 

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To prevent and get lung  cancer treatment quickly, here are some ways to check for lung cancer:

1. Know The Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

       Initially, how to detect lung cancer can see the symptoms.  Symptoms of lung  cancer show no signs in the  early  stages of cancer.  In contrast, most  lung cancers are diagnosed in the final stages of the disease, this makes treatment more difficult and  as a result  significantly reduces  rates. survival  of people with lung cancer as a whole. However, there are some symptoms of lung  cancer in general that are not alarming. If you experience   any of  these  symptoms,  consult a dokter immediately to get proper treatment:

  •  Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath
  •  Hoarseness
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Chest pain
  • Weight loss  for no apparent reason
  • Bone pain

2. Pay Attention To Lung Cancer Risk Factors

        Various factors may put someone at risk of lung cancer.  Most people believe that smoking causes lung cancer.  However, many people who  have never smoked or stopped smoking are instead diagnosed with  lung cancer. If you have any of the  following lung cancer risk factors,  see your  doctor immediately to determine if you need further screening for cancer. 

  • Smokers
  • Passive smoking
  • Exposure to radon gas
  • Exposure to  asbestos fibers
  • Exposure to other carcinogens
  • Air pollution
  • Arsenic in drinking water 
  • Previously exposed  radiation to the lungs
  • Personal or family history  of lung  cancer

    If your doctor recommends that you  have a lung cancer test, there are several options for how to detect lung cancer.  Maybe your doctor recommends  the  test below.

3. Chest X-ray

     This test  is usually the  first test used as a  way to check for lung cancer. Most lung tumors are detected through X-rays as  a gray white mass. However,  a chest X-ray cannot  make a definitive diagnosis  because it  usually can't  distinguish between cancer and  other conditions, such as a lung abscess (a collection of pus that forms).  in the lungs).

4. CT Scan

    Computerized tomography (CT) scan is usually a way to detect the next lung  cancer that will be done after a chest X-ray  . CT scans use X-rays and computers to produce detailed images of the inside of the  body. Before undergoing a  CT scan procedure, the patient will be given injections containing special dyes or contrast media, which can help improve image quality.

5. PET-CT Scan

    Positron emission tomography-computerized tomography (PET-CT) scans may be performed if the CT scan  results show the patient has early-stage  cancer. This method of checking   paru cancer  can show the  location of  active cancer cells and can help determine the  best  treatment.

6. Biopsy

     Doctors can perform biopsies in several ways to detect lung cancer, including bronchoscopy, where the doctor will examine the abnormal area  of the lungs using a thin  hose embedded with a  small camera and light through the  throat until it enters the lungs. 

      After that, then mediastinoscopy, in which an incision is made at the base of the neck and  a surgical device is inserted behind the chest to take a tissue sample  from the lymph nodes; and  Needle biopsy, in which the doctor uses an X-ray or CT  image to guide the needle through the chest  wall and into  lung tissue to collect cells that may be cancerous. Biopsy samples  may  also be taken from  lymph nodes or other areas where the cancer has spread (metastasized), such as in the liver.

7.  Laboratory Tests

    Doctors can also  do two ways to check for lung cancer through a sputum test or blood test to  check for the  presence of lung cancer. The doctor will use this information to determine the  type of lung cancer the  patient may be suffering from, and how advanced the disease is.

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Stage  of Lung Cancer

    After passing a test procedure to diagnose cancer, the stage stage of the cancer can show how far the cancer cells have spread throughout the body and  its severity.   This stage of cancer  helps doctors determine the right treatment. The definition of the stage of cancer varies, but doctors usually  determine the stages of non-small  cell lung cancer using tumor  size and spread to help doctors in the following ways:

  • Stage I:  This early stage of the tumor has developed in the lungs, but is under 5 centimeters in  size  and has not spread to other parts of the body.
  • Stage II: The   tumor is  smaller than 5 centimeters and may have spread to lymph nodes in the lung area, or smaller  than 7 centimeters and spread to nearby tissues but  Not to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage III  : Lung cancer  has spread to the lymph nodes  and reached other  parts of the lungs and  surrounding area.
  • Stage IV: Lung cancer  has spread to other distant parts of the  body, such as the bones of the brain.

    Small cell lung  cancer  has its own category, limited and broad, referring to whether the  cancer has spread inside or outside the  lungs.

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