Chickenpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - ASSISTENT DOCTOR

Chickenpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Have you heard of a monkey smallpox? Although it is not common, but this one smallpox still deserves to be wary of its spread. Chickenpox is essentially also not a new illness and has existed since the year 1970. What is actually a monkey smallpox? How is its transmission and treatment? See the answer in this article!

The images from Word Health Organisation

What is a Monkey Pox?

Chickenpox or monkeypox is a rare viral infection. This disease generally has symptoms that are very similar to smallpox, with a lighter symptom intensity. However, smallpox has succeeded in the Dieradikasi since 1980.

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The monkey pox is most commonly found in the Central African and West African regions. Now the viral smallpox virus is also found in Batam. So in Indonesia appeared the term chickenpox monkeys. Generally, this disease is spread in areas where many humans interact with animals that potentially transmit this virus.

The case of the monkey pox was first discovered in 1970, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A 9 year old child is affected by a monkey pox, whereas in the area smallpox has been Dieradikasi or destroyed in 1968.

Thereafter, several cases were reported in rural areas and rainforests in the Congo Basin and West Africa. From 1996 to 1997 there was a major outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The first case of the monkey pox outside the African continent was discovered in 2003 in the United States. Most of the patients were suspected of being infected by the exposure of the virus monkeypox of a rounder that became one of the virus's hosts.

The next large case of the monkey smallpox is in 2017 in Nigeria. This case occurs after 40 years Nigeria has no case of chickenpox.

Causes of Monkey Pox

The cause of the monkey pox is a viral monkeypox infection. This Virus can live in humans and animals. Monkeypox is included in the virus of the genus Orthopoxvirus and is a fairly rare virus.

Transmission of Chickenpox

The transmission of smallpox monkeys can be through animals as well as humans. Animals that may transmit the chickenpox in humans are monkeys, mice, or squirrels.

Here are some ways of transmission of smallpox monkeys from animals to humans:

  1. Bite by animals like monkeys, rats, or infected squirrels.
  2. Direct contact with infected animals.
  3. Consumption of infected animal meat.
  4. As for the transmission between humans is through droplet infection (saliva). The thing that allows the transmission is like:

Direct Contact With Infected Humans.

Direct contact on objects affected by the body fluids infected, including the sharing of food and beverages with infected persons.
A person who has a low body immune system will likely be more easily infected with a monkey smallpox virus compared to that of a good.

Symptoms Of a Monkey Pox

Incubation period or period since the beginning of the virus into the body to cause clinical symptoms is about 10-14 days. The clinical symptoms of monkeypox are similar to the symptoms of Varicella (chickenpox) and Variola (smallpox), but the intensity tends to be lighter.

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The viral symptoms of chickenpox in the beginning are not much different from the symptoms of other viral infections in general and then followed by more specific symptoms. Here are the symptoms of a monkey pox:

  • Fever
  • Headaches
  • Body feels Limden
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Skin rash. The appearance of the rash usually starts from the face, torso, and then spreads to the arms, legs, to the palms of the hands and feet. The rash begins with the long reddish patches forming a fluid-filled redness and can contain pus.
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes.

Diagnosis of the Monkey Pox
Symptoms of a monkey pox are similar to other types of chickenpox and also some other types of skin infections such as scabies, even eczema or allergies. One that can distinguish it from smallpox is the presence of swelling of the lymph nodes at the beginning of symptoms.

The definite Diagnosis of monkeypox should be done in the laboratory to identify the presence of such viruses. Viruses can be identified with a number of different tests in a specialized laboratory.

This Virus can be detected by examining lesions or blood and serum samples in the laboratory. Before interpreting the test results, the doctor should also know some patient information such as the date of onset of fever, the date of onset of the rash, the date of collection of examined samples, the rash stage, and also the age of the Monkey Pox.

How to Treat The Chickenpox
Until now, there has been no research confirming how to treat a monkey pox that is effective. Treatment is only done based on the symptoms experienced by the patient. Here are some types of treatment for the symptoms of a monkey pox:

  1. Analgesic and antipyretic drugs are administered to reduce fever, relieve pain, and also headaches.
  2. Total rest is advised to have symptoms of the disease not getting worse, especially at the stage of fever symptoms.

Preventing Monkey Pox
Preventing the Monkey pox can be done in several ways. Here are some ways to prevent the disease of chickenpox or monkeypox in humans:

  • Avoid direct contact with infected animals.
  • Avoid direct contact with infected humans.

The use of smallpox vaccine, which was used for variola, but because the disease has been successfully established in 1980, smallpox vaccine is somewhat difficult to obtain.

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Vaccines are usually recommended for people who are at high risk of being exposed to monkeypox like those who do research against viral Monkeypox, and those who have a contact history with infected sufferers of monkeypox.

Basically the monkey pox is not a dangerous disease, not even more harmful than other types of smallpox. You can apply the above precautions to lower the risk of getting a monkey pox.

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